Dr. Michael Surkont, M.D., ACCAPM, CSME
Board Member
Dr Michael Surkont is a practicing physician. Following undergrad studies at the University of Toronto, he graduated from Queen's University with a Doctorate of Medicine. He subsequently completed postgraduate studies in Family Medicine at University of Western University. Currently, he holds academic appointments at McMaster University and Western University as an Adjunct Professor.
Dr. Surkont's practice is focused on chronic pain management. In this capacity, he is the Medical Director of several community pain clinics. He also practices as an Emergency medicine Physician at Tillsonburg Memorial Hospital. To improve the safety of healthcare for patients in Ontario, Dr. Surkont also serves as investigating Coroner for the Province of Ontario and is actively involved in death investigations and safety improvement recommendations. As part of his administrative duties to improve the medical profession, Dr Surkont serves on the Council of the Ontario Medical Association as well as the Section Chair on Chronic Pain.
Dr. Surkont's practice is focused on chronic pain management. In this capacity, he is the Medical Director of several community pain clinics. He also practices as an Emergency medicine Physician at Tillsonburg Memorial Hospital. To improve the safety of healthcare for patients in Ontario, Dr. Surkont also serves as investigating Coroner for the Province of Ontario and is actively involved in death investigations and safety improvement recommendations. As part of his administrative duties to improve the medical profession, Dr Surkont serves on the Council of the Ontario Medical Association as well as the Section Chair on Chronic Pain.