The CSMVA held its Launch Event on January 26, 2024 at the Metro Hall of the City of Toronto.
Co-founders, Anthony and Veronica Florendo, welcomed the community of supporters of the CSMVA.

Please watch the launch of the CSMVA.

Inga Tkachenko, Advisory Board Member, is flanked by two prominent personal injury lawyers whose law firms were among the many sponsors of the event.

Officer Kerr of the Toronto Police was on hand to lend his support via an inspirational talk and a song which he wrote and performed at the Launch Event.
A lot more prominent people who came out to support the CSMVA community:

The evening’s emcee, Susan McCoy, is a retired sergeant at the Toronto Police. She did a fantastic job.

Nataliya Becker, a leadership expert and team facilitator moderated the evening’s events with great expertise.

There were also speakers from the community who provided wisdom and inspiration to the CSMVA Launch Event.

The CSMVA Launch Event was a huge success for the community of car accident victims. The love and warmth experienced in this Event is so genuine and true. This Launch Event is confirmation that there is a need for a Support Organization for people involved in motor vehicle accidents. Alone no more. Together with CSMVA. Welcome to the community.